Climbing Gym Risk Management Plan

To compliment my Risk Planning workshop at the Climbing Wall Association Summit, find below a table of contents for a climbing gym Risk Management Plan. The specific content of a plan depends on who the intended reader is, so realistically one might produce a shorter version for staff training/reference and a more comprehensive one capturing management functions.

You can download a Word version here.

The slides to accompany this workshop can be downloaded here.

Climbing Gym Risk Management Plan

This is How We Manage Risk within our Operation:

1.      Oversight
1.1.   Decision making authority
1.2.   RM and safety goals
1.3.   Risk tolerance/acceptable exposure limits
1.4.   RM plan intended uses/reader

2.      Client Information Map
2.1.   Marketing material
2.1.1.      Consistent between digital and print
2.1.2.      Safety messaging/Assumption of risk
2.2.   Contract details: deposit, payment etc.
2.2.1.      Refund criteria: refusal to sign waiver; other criteria? Injuries?
2.3.   Release/waiver process
2.3.1.      Advance notice/available on website
2.3.2.      Execution procedure            Verification (witness) of digital waivers
2.3.3.      Filing and retrieval (digital vs. print)
2.4.   Information exchange:
2.4.1.      Info needed from visitor, procedure for collection            Payment info            Emergency contact info            Other info relevant for participation and gym fulfilling duty of care                  Pre-existing medical conditions, life saving medications
2.4.2.      Privacy policy and data management
2.4.3.      Visitor info needs from gym (i.e. gear list, schedule, program rates)
2.4.4.      Gym rules/climbing policy            Youth supervision policy            Alcohol/cannabis policy
2.4.5.      Signage strategy – content and placement on ‘need to know’ basis            Exterior, entry area, climbing signage            Accuracy, consistency, updating procedure
2.5.   Safety orientation process
2.5.1.      Documentation and retrieval process
2.6.   Belay/auto belay/spotting competency process
2.6.1.      Documentation and retrieval process
2.7.   Client feedback or complaint resolution process
2.7.1.      Accountability and follow up procedure

3.      Gym/Facility management
3.1.   Access to building/site security
3.1.1.      Daily access
3.1.2.      Fire exit/alarm            Fire Marshall inspections
3.2.   Opening/closing procedures
3.2.1.      Computer log in
3.2.2.      Cash control
3.2.3.      Facility preparedness
3.2.4.      Climbing area open/close
3.3.   Inspection protocol
3.3.1.      Climbing/bouldering:            Climbing wall, holds            Matts, seams, flooring            Anchor, belay/auto belay            Rope
3.3.2.      Facility            Entry and traffic areas            Washroom/change room            Exterior and parking
3.3.3.      Documentation and oversight of Inspection
3.3.4.      Procedure to action identified issues
3.4.   Structural inspections
3.4.1.      Interval
3.4.2.      Authority
3.4.3.      Documentation and oversight
3.5.   Equipment control
3.5.1.      Climbing systems
3.5.2.      Rental gear
3.5.3.      Facility and maintenance equipment

4.      Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
4.1.   Definition of crisis, when to use ERP
4.2.   Roles and responsibilities
4.3.   Communication plan
4.3.1.      Who needs to know what in what order
4.4.   Injury plan
4.5.   Evacuation plan
4.6.   Critical violence plan
4.6.1.      Hold and secure
4.6.2.      Lockdown
4.7.   Public information plan
4.7.1.      Who, how, access to client database, social media sites etc.
4.7.2.      Media relations – who, proactive vs. reactive
4.8.   Continuity
4.8.1.      Re-open criteria
4.8.2.      Investigation/documentation/follow up

5.      Human Resources System
5.1.   Compliance items re. employment law
5.2.   Work requirements and job description per position type
5.3.   Orientation, competency proof
5.3.1.      Documentation
5.4.   Training plan
5.4.1.      Documentation
5.5.   Sexual Harassment/Violence policy
5.6.   Working with minors policy